Volunteer Opportunities

Sponsorships Available

In addition to our Annual Vendor Partner Tiers,
WAA offers many Sponsorship Opportunities to our Vendor Members  through the year!
Check out the individual events to see what upcoming sponsorships are available!   
Don't miss out!

Event Photography

Please note that photographs and video footage are taken at WAA events, and your voice, name, and/or likeness may be used without compensation and used by WAA for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website, and in social media or in third party publications.  Your attendance at a WAA event is an implied permission to be photographed and/or videoed and a waiver of any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs and/or video footage and/or marketing pieces that may be used in conjunction with them, now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown, and any right to payment, royalties, or any other compensation arising from or related to the use of any such photography and/or video footage and/or marketing pieces. If you have a special concern or need for exception, please contact WAA prior to an event.